Monday, January 30, 2012

Fear and freedom

I have been going in for aikido trainings for 1 year and a half. I overcame some fears that I had. I started to do a lot of things i was afraid of. I started to be proud of myself. I started to feel free to do some brave (for me!) stuff :) But then I missed a lot of trainings because of my work, because of my laziness. Last time I was on a training I realized that my fears are growing inside me. Now I am afraid of some things that I used to do earlier. It's a shame. The only reason of my fears is my mind. When I just stop thinking and start doing - I can do a lot of things. Just stop thinking how difficult the movement would be and how painful it would be to fall.
Relax, just do what you need to do, don't think too much! You can do whatever you want. You need to be strong, you can do more!

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